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Machine Learning for Multiscale Video Coding
Optical Memory and Neural Networks Pub Date : 2023-09-25 , DOI: 10.3103/s1060992x23030037
M. V. Gashnikov


The research concerns the use of machine learning algorithms for multiscale coding of digital video sequences. Based on machine learning, the digital image coder is generalized to the coding of video sequences. To this end, we offer an algorithm that allows for videoframes interdependency by using linear regression. The generalized image coder uses multiscale representation of videoframes, neural network three-dimensional interpolation of multiscale videoframe interpretation levels and generative-adversarial neural net replacement of homogeneous portions of a videoframe by synthetic video data. The method of coding the entire video and method of coding videoframes are exemplified by block diagrams. Formalized description of how videoframe correlation is taken into account is given. Real video sequences are used to carry out numerical experiments. The experimental data allow us to make a conclusion about the promise of using the algorithm in video coding and processing.




