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Reactions of applicants with disabilities to technology-enabled recruitment and selection: A research agenda
International Journal of Selection and Assessment ( IF 2.410 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-25 , DOI: 10.1111/ijsa.12456
Sandra L. Fisher 1 , Catherine E. Connelly 2 , Silvia Bonaccio 3

Technology-enabled recruitment and selection technologies, such as chatbots, assessment games, and asynchronous video interviews, are becoming more widely used. However, their impact on people with disabilities is frequently ignored; this has potentially significant implications for the perceived fairness of hiring decisions. We advance eight theoretical propositions on the positive and negative implications of technology-enabled recruitment and selection technologies for applicant reactions of people with disabilities. Our propositions are based on three key design features of these technologies: separation in time and space, automated administration, and automated evaluation. We provide recommendations for future research and discuss practical implications for the use of advanced technology in recruitment and selection.


