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Cooked rice safety: A review of status and potential of radiative pasteurization
Journal of Food Safety ( IF 2.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-24 , DOI: 10.1111/jfs.13090
Evans Ameyaw Owusu 1 , Kaushik Luthra 1 , Rebecca Bruce 1 , Griffiths Atungulu 1

Microbial contamination in cooked rice-based foods poses a global concern due to rice's widespread consumption. This review aims to consolidate information on harmful microorganisms associated with such foods from various countries and their adverse effects on consumers. Additionally, it explores the reported causes of microbial contamination in cooked rice-based dishes and proposes an intervention strategy for safer consumption. The findings highlight that ready-to-eat cooked rice-based foods may harbor unsafe levels of microorganisms like Bacillus cereus, Staphylococcus aureus, and Aspergillus spp. A recommended solution is the application of microwave pasteurization. This method involves cooking rice in pasteurized packaging, minimizing human contact, and effectively controlling harmful microorganisms. Microwave pasteurization emerges as a promising approach to ensure the safe consumption of cooked rice-based foods by reducing microbial contamination levels.


