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Assessing captive spawning strategies for supplementation production of Delta Smelt
Transactions of the American Fisheries Society ( IF 1.4 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-28 , DOI: 10.1002/tafs.10450
Melanie E. F. LaCava 1 , Isoline M. Donohue 1 , Mary E. Badger 1 , Tien‐Chieh Hung 2 , Luke Ellison 2 , Md Moshiur Rahman 2 , Kerry Kelvas 2 , Amanda J. Finger 1 , Evan W. Carson 3

To support the declining wild population of Delta Smelt, a conservation hatchery has expanded its mission from maintaining a backup population as insurance against extinction to also producing fish for release into the wild. The substantially higher production demands require a balance between producing large numbers of fish while adhering to conservation genetic principles that maximize retention of effective population size (Ne) and thus overall diversity.



为了支持不断减少的野生三角洲胡瓜鱼数量,一家保护孵化场将其使命从维持后备种群作为防止灭绝的保险扩展到生产鱼类以释放到野外。大幅提高的产量需求需要在生产大量鱼类与遵守保护遗传原则之间取得平衡,最大限度地保留有效种群规模(N e),从而最大限度地保留总体多样性。