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Burned agricultural biomass, air pollution and crime
Journal of Environmental Economics and Management ( IF 5.840 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-28 , DOI: 10.1016/j.jeem.2023.102887
Abubakr Ayesh

Agricultural fires account for half as much burned biomass as forest fires. Like other forms of environmental degradation, burned biomass incurs social costs for society through its contribution to air pollution. One such potential cost is the increase in crime. Exploiting plausibly exogenous variation in air pollution due to increased rice stubble burning in Pakistan, I provide evidence on the causal relationship between air pollution and crime. Air pollution increases all crimes, but the increase in violent crimes is particularly salient. I provide evidence that a reduction in earnings for middle-aged and older male individuals is an important potential mechanism. I also discuss the potential psychological mechanisms involved. The social costs of burned agricultural biomass are much wider and have significant implications for developing economies that rely on agriculture.



