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University Students’ Perceptions of Their Lecturer's Use of Evaluative Language in Oral Feedback
Linguistics and Education ( IF 1.656 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-29 , DOI: 10.1016/j.linged.2023.101233
Xiaoling Jin , Zhoulin Ruan

This study investigates university students’ perceptions of their lecturer's use of evaluative language in the oral feedback on their presentation performance. Using appraisal as the analytical framework, we examine the lecturer's use of evaluative language in oral feedback and students’ perceptions of the effects of evaluative language features. Results show that: 1) evaluative language carrying intensified attitudinal meanings closely relevant to students’ effort and performance is perceived as a desirable option to provide specific oral feedback; and 2) questions are regarded as an evaluative device to formulate communicative feedback for academic presentations. The study concludes that students need to understand the use of evaluative language, especially those related to the constructions of a dialogic voice when lecturers invite alternative viewpoints to be discussed in the feedback process. This study highlights students’ interpretations of feedback in the oral feedback process and pedagogical implications for providing oral feedback to facilitate learning.



