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Centralized Restoration of Parts at the Enterprises of the Soyuzselkhoztekhnika and Goskomselkhoztekhnika Systems
Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability Pub Date : 2023-09-29 , DOI: 10.3103/s1052618823050126
V. P. Lyalyakin , I. N. Kravchenko , V. M. Korneev


Our country has been undergoing processes related to the reorganization and improvement of agricultural production services. The Soyuzselkhotechnika system was organized to replace the machine-technological stations. The development dynamics of Soyuzselkhotekhnika shows the volumes of marketable products, and it is particularly noted that the markup on all services used to be only 12.6%, and now it has risen to 45%. The volumes of reconditioning of parts at the enterprises of Soyuzselkhotekhnika are given; more than 60% of the names of parts were restored. Achievements of individual enterprises in the implementation of efficient technologies are shown. It is confirmed that the reconditioning of worn parts at the enterprises of Soyuzselkhotekhnika annually saved for the country up to 12% of new spare parts, over 500 000 tons of casting, and 150 000 tons of rolled products. The role of sectoral science and academic science is shown. The created system of Soyuzselkhotekhnika enterprises was an effective assistant for commodity producers not only in providing new machines and assemblies, but also for remanufactured parts with high quality, low price, and guaranteed performance.


Soyuzselkhoztekhnika 和 Goskomselkhoztekhnika 系统企业的零件集中修复


我国正在经历农业生产服务业的重组和完善。组织了 Soyuzselkhotechnika 系统来取代机器技术站。Soyuzselkhotekhnika的发展动态显示了适销对路的产品量,特别值得注意的是,所有服务的加成率以前只有12.6%,现在已经上升到45%。给出了 Soyuzselkhotekhnika 企业的零件翻新量;恢复了60%以上的零件名称。展示了各个企业在实施高效技术方面取得的成就。据证实,Soyuzselkhotekhnika 企业的磨损件修复每年为国家节省了 12% 的新备件、超过 50 万吨铸件、及轧材15万吨。部门科学和学术科学的作用得到了体现。Soyuzselkhotekhnika企业创建的系统不仅为商品生产商提供新机器和组件,而且还提供高质量、低价格和有保证性能的再制造零件,是商品生产商的有效助手。
