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Changes in organic fractions, cations, and stabilization from feces to fecal sludge: implications for dewatering performance and management solutions
Journal of Water, Sanitation & Hygiene for Development ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-01 , DOI: 10.2166/washdev.2023.086
Stanley Bortse Sam 1, 2 , Eberhard Morgenroth 1, 2 , Linda Strande 1

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Reliable dewatering performance remains a key challenge in fecal sludge management, and the controlling factors or mechanisms are not well understood. There remain limited studies on constituents in feces and fecal sludge and how they affect the dewaterability of fecal sludge. This study aimed at evaluating a range of constituents in feces, and to gain empirical knowledge toward a mechanistic understanding of how they influence dewaterability. In this study, cellulose reduced capillary suction time, decreased supernatant turbidity, and increased cake solids. While hemicellulose decreased supernatant turbidity, lignin increased supernatant turbidity, capillary suction time, and cake solids. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) increased both capillary suction time and supernatant turbidity and decreased cake solids, whereas lipids increased turbidity. Cations had no significant effect on dewatering properties. Overall, fecal sludge stored in containments had better dewatering performance than ‘fresh’ fecal sludge, which was attributed to stabilization. Field fecal sludge had a higher relative abundance of Pseudomonas, which is associated with better aggregation, and fewer small particles (<10 μm) that clog filters to reduce dewatering performance. Further understanding of stabilization and developing an agreed-upon metrics of stabilization are essential for predicting fecal sludge dewatering performance, and developing smaller footprint dewatering treatment technologies.




可靠的脱水性能仍然是粪便污泥管理的一个关键挑战,其控制因素或机制尚不清楚。关于粪便和粪便污泥中的成分以及它们如何影响粪便污泥的脱水性的研究仍然有限。这项研究旨在评估粪便中的一系列成分,并获得经验知识,以机械地了解它们如何影响脱水性。在这项研究中,纤维素减少了毛细管抽吸时间,降低了上清液浊度,并增加了滤饼固体。半纤维素降低了上清液浊度,而木质素增加了上清液浊度、毛细管抽吸时间和滤饼固体。细胞外聚合物 (EPS) 增加了毛细管吸入时间和上清液浊度,并减少了滤饼固体,而脂质则增加了浊度。阳离子对脱水性能没有显着影响。总体而言,储存在容器中的粪便污泥比“新鲜”粪便污泥具有更好的脱水性能,这归因于稳定性。田间粪便污泥的相对丰度较高假单胞菌,它与更好的聚集和更少的小颗粒(<10 μm)有关,这些小颗粒会堵塞过滤器从而降低脱水性能。进一步了解稳定化并制定商定的稳定化指标对于预测粪便污泥脱水性能和开发更小占地面积的脱水处理技术至关重要。
