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The big role of the ‘little brain’: exploring the developing cerebellum and its role in cognition
Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences ( IF 5 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-04 , DOI: 10.1016/j.cobeha.2023.101301
Maedbh King

The cerebellum has been the focus of much debate over the past five decades, and it has been implicated in a wide range of cognitive functions extending beyond sensorimotor control. Much of the empirical research on the function of the cerebellum has been centered on the ‘little brain’ in its mature, adult form. However, we are now starting to appreciate that the developing cerebellum offers a unique window into understanding how and what this structure contributes to cognition. Here, we document the vulnerability of the developing cerebellum, and present recent work on the co-occurrence of neurodevelopmental disorders (e.g. autism spectrum disorder) and atypical cerebellar development. Building on these observations, we discuss the differences in cerebellar architecture through the lens of injury, and consider how cerebellar function is interpreted from infancy to adulthood.



