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Shattered Pellet Injection Control System Integration for EAST
Journal of Fusion Energy ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-07 , DOI: 10.1007/s10894-023-00389-1
ShengBo Zhao , JingSheng Yuan , Yue Chen , YanMin Duan , Ming Huang , HuiDong Zhuang , GuiZhong Zuo , JianSheng Hu

A new control system of shattered pellet injection (SPI) has been successfully developed and implemented in the experimental advanced superconducting tokamak. The control system comprises four functional modules responsible for vacuum acquisition, temperature regulation, gas supply, and system protection, which facilitate the safe and stable operation of the SPI. The software framework employed for the SPI control system incorporates experimental physics and industrial control system and Phoebus. Utilizing these integrated control systems, the gun barrel temperature and material gas pressure could be accurately controlled during pellet forming phase. Also, it could cooperatively control the various types of valves to achieve material gas supply, propellant gas supply and timely pumping. Finally, the pellet was successfully generated, separated from the gun barrel, and accelerated into the plasma vacuum vessel controlled by this system. In addition, the issue of extended delay time was observed in SPI experiments, and a potential solution is also proposed in the paper.


EAST 破碎颗粒注射控制系统集成

