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Intersectional blackness matters: Why family science should care about the College Board's A.P. African American Studies course controversy
Journal of Family Theory & Review ( IF 3.833 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-07 , DOI: 10.1111/jftr.12539
Ingrid Banks 1

This article examines how the recent controversy about the College Board's A.P. African American Studies course has implications for studies on Black families. In relegating Black feminism and Black queer theory as optional research topics in the course, the College Board failed to recognize the importance of theorizing intersectional blackness in research in Black Studies in general and research on Black families in particular. The College Board failed to recognize how race, gender, sexuality, and other social forces converge to provide a richer picture of Black lives. In utilizing a theoretical lens of intersectional blackness as a foundation, I use both the Florida Board of Education's position regarding the “merits” of the A.P. course and the College Board's decision to fringe certain topics as examples of how both Black families and Black Studies are maligned by framing both as inferior and lacking.


交叉黑人很重要:为什么家庭科学应该关心大学理事会的 AP 非裔美国人研究课程争议

本文探讨了最近关于大学理事会 AP 非裔美国人研究课程的争议对黑人家庭研究的影响。在将黑人女权主义和黑人酷儿理论归为课程中的可选研究主题时,大学理事会未能认识到在一般黑人研究特别是黑人家庭研究中理论化交叉黑人的重要性。大学理事会未能认识到种族、性别、性取向和其他社会力量如何汇聚在一起,以提供更丰富的黑人生活图景。在利用交叉黑人的理论视角作为基础时,我使用佛罗里达州教育委员会关于 AP 课程“优点”的立场以及大学理事会边缘化某些主题的决定作为黑人家庭和黑人研究如何发展的例子。被诬陷为劣等和缺乏。