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Dry shrinkage cracking and permeability of biopolymer-modified clay under dry-wet cycles
Environmental Geotechnics ( IF 2.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-11
Yangyang Cai, Yong Wan, Xingxing He, Zhixiang Chen, Lei Liu, Jiangshan Li

Biopolymer efficiently improves the anti-seepage function of compacted clay layer, but research concerning the permeability stability of biopolymer-modified clay during cyclic wetting and drying is scarce. In this paper, the macro-micro structure and the permeability coefficient of biopolymer-modified clay and conventional bentonite-modified clay under the dry-wet cycles are comparatively studied. The bentonite modifier has been found to increase the macro-microscopic cracks under dry-wet cycles, while the xanthan modifier decreases the macro-microscopic fracture rate of the clay. The physical properties of 2% by dry weight of xanthan-modified clay are similar to that of 10% by dry weight of bentonite-modified clay, but the permeability coefficient of the former is lower by approximately one order of magnitude. After the dry-wet cycles, xanthan-modified clay performs better in leakage prevention than bentonite-modified clay. For low-liquid-limit clay, the recommended mass percentage of xanthan gum is 1.5% considering the seepage resistance safety during dry-wet cycles.


