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Transient scattering of a Rayleigh wave by a cluster of subwavelength resonators—Towards asymptotic modeling of seismic surface metabarriers
International Journal of Engineering Science ( IF 6.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ijengsci.2023.103963
Ivan I. Argatov , Federico J. Sabina

A seismic metabarrier (intended for surface waves mitigation effect) is modeled as a cluster of single-degree-of-freedom resonator units deposited on the surface of an isotropic homogeneous elastic half-space. It is assumed that each resonator has a frictionless flat rigid base of diameter much smaller than the wavelength of an incoming surface wave. The slow-motions asymptotic method is applied for constructing the first-order asymptotic model of multiple time-dependent scattering of a pulsed Rayleigh wave with respect to the vertical displacements of the resonators (including their rigid bases and inertial elements) and the normal contact forces (time-dependent integral characteristics of the contact reactions beneath the resonator bases). Both the stationary and transient multiple scattering scenarios are considered. The variation of the amplitude reduction factor due to the model parameters variation is studied in detail.



