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A teacher's choice: Preschool teachers’ selection and use of picture books for mathematics instruction
Early Childhood Research Quarterly ( IF 3.815 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.ecresq.2023.10.002
Suzanne Elise Splinter , Fien Depaepe , Lieven Verschaffel , Joke Torbeyns

Preschool teachers’ selection and use of instructional materials play an important role in their provision of qualitative mathematics instruction. Picture books were recently shown effective for supporting early mathematical competencies. Picture book features further contributed to their effectiveness. The current study aimed to investigate teachers’ selection and use of picture books for mathematics instruction with special attention for their evaluation of picture book features. We also analyzed the contribution of teachers’ beliefs and children's age to teachers’ picture book selection and use. Sixty-six preschool teachers participated in an online interview about (a) their picture book use for (mathematics) instruction and (b) the domain-specific (i.e., numeracy) and general features they rate important when selecting a picture book for mathematics instruction. Teachers also filled in a questionnaire regarding their beliefs about mathematics and learning and teaching mathematics. Results showed that more than 90 % of the teachers used picture books for mathematics instruction. About 40 % used them at least once and maximum four times a week and 6 % used them on a daily basis. When selecting picture books for mathematics instruction, teachers rated general features more important than domain-specific features and features related to basic mathematical content more important than features related to complex mathematical content. Teachers’ instruction and scheme and formalism beliefs contributed to their preference for Arabic numerals and comparisons between quantities. Children's age was positively related to teachers’ preference for complex mathematical content. The limited focus on mathematical content when selecting and using picture books points to the importance of teacher professional development on the selection and use of picture books for enhancing early mathematical competencies.



幼儿教师教材的选择和使用对于提供定性数学教学起着重要作用。最近,图画书被证明可以有效地支持早期的数学能力。图画书的功能进一步提高了其有效性。本研究旨在调查教师在数学教学中选择和使用图画书的情况,特别关注他们对图画书特征的评价。我们还分析了教师信仰和儿童年龄对教师绘本选择和使用的贡献。66 名学前班教师参加了在线访谈,内容涉及 (a) 他们在(数学)教学中使用图画书的情况,以及 (b) 在选择数学教学图画书时他们认为重要的特定领域(即计算能力)和一般特征。教师们还填写了一份关于他们对数学的信念以及数学学习和教学的调查问卷。结果显示,90%以上的教师使用图画书进行数学教学。大约 40% 的人每周至少使用一次,最多四次,6% 的人每天使用它们。在选择数学教学图画书时,教师认为一般特征比特定领域特征更重要,与基础数学内容相关的特征比与复杂数学内容相关的特征更重要。教师的指导和方案以及形式主义信仰导致了他们对阿拉伯数字和数量之间比较的偏爱。儿童的年龄与教师对复杂数学内容的偏好呈正相关。在选择和使用图画书时对数学内容的有限关注表明教师专业发展对图画书的选择和使用对于增强早期数学能力的重要性。
