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Local ecological knowledge and multidisciplinary approach lead to discovery of hidden biodiversity in the deep ocean of Labrador, Canada
Ecology and Society ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-01 , DOI: 10.5751/es-14325-280404
David Cote , Bárbara Neves , Joey Angnatok , Wilfred Bartlett , Evan Edinger , Lauren Gullage , Rodd Laing , Alexandre Normandeau , Vonda Hayes , Owen Sherwood , Maxime Geoffroy

International commitments to preserve global biodiversity target the protection of 30% of marine habitats by 2030. The lack of even basic knowledge of many marine areas (e.g., deep oceans) combined with short timelines require integrative knowledge and multidisciplinary techniques to be used to efficiently identify areas worthy of protection. Here we outline a case study of the discovery of the Makkovik Hanging Gardens found in a deep-water trough in coastal Labrador, Canada. The area is of ecological significance because it supports high densities of vulnerable marine ecosystem indicator taxa, including the gorgonian coral Primnoa resedaeformis on portions of its vertical submarine walls. This study illustrates the exploratory process initiated by Nunatsiavut, which integrated local knowledge, scientific models, and a variety of technologies (such as remotely operated vehicles and multibeam sonar) to discover deep-water hidden biodiversity toward the advancement of both local Indigenous and global conservation goals.

The post Local ecological knowledge and multidisciplinary approach lead to discovery of hidden biodiversity in the deep ocean of Labrador, Canada first appeared on Ecology & Society.



保护全球生物多样性的国际承诺的目标是到 2030 年保护 30% 的海洋栖息地。许多海洋区域(例如深海)甚至缺乏基本知识,加上时间短,需要使用综合知识和多学科技术来有效识别值得保护的地区。在这里,我们概述了在加拿大拉布拉多沿海深水槽中发现的马科维克空中花园的案例研究。该地区具有重要的生态意义,因为它支持高密度的脆弱海洋生态系统指示类群,包括其垂直海底壁部分的柳珊瑚Primnoa resedaeformis 。这项研究展示了 Nunatsiavut 发起的探索过程,该过程整合了当地知识、科学模型和各种技术(例如遥控车辆和多波束声纳),以发现深水隐藏的生物多样性,从而促进当地土著和全球保护目标。

