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Price of Anarchy with multiple information sources under competition
Operations Research Letters ( IF 1.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-12 , DOI: 10.1016/j.orl.2023.10.004
Fernando Miguelez , Urtzi Ayesta , Josu Doncel

We characterize the Price of Anarchy (PoA) in a single channel under the presence of K competing sources. As performance metric we consider the Age of Information, which measures the freshness of information in a remote system. In our main results we show that when the service times of all sources are equal the PoA is 21K, and that otherwise the PoA is unbounded from above. Numerical computations show that the PoA increases with the disparity of the service rates.



我们在存在K 个竞争源的情况下描述了单一渠道中的无政府主义价格 (PoA) 。作为性能指标,我们考虑信息时代,它衡量远程系统中信息的新鲜度。在我们的主要结果中,我们表明,当所有源的服务时间相等时,PoA 为2-1K,否则 PoA 不受上面限制。数值计算表明,PoA随着服务费率差异的增加而增加。
