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Next-generation of melanoma researchers: Trainee perspectives from around the world
Pigment Cell & Melanoma Research ( IF 4.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-11 , DOI: 10.1111/pcmr.13136
Marie R Webster 1 , Roderick Brathwaite 2, 3 , Jeremy A Bravo Narula 4 , Vissy M Elad 5 , Yanni Ma 6 , Mei Fong Ng 7 , Manoel Oliveira de Moraes Junior 8 , Majahonkhe Shabangu 9 , Christina Tsiavou 10 , Jessie Villanueva 3 , Vito W Rebecca 4

The Society for Melanoma Research (SMR) was created 20 years ago and has unequivocally contributed to the vast progress of the field, particularly for the treatment of melanoma patients with metastatic disease by facilitating synergistic collaborations between clinicians, researchers at the bench, and industry. In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the first SMR International Congress (held in 2003 in Philadelphia), we look to the future by highlighting the perspectives of the next generation of rising stars, medical, and graduate students across six continents.



黑色素瘤研究协会 (SMR) 成立于 20 年前,通过促进临床医生、实验室研究人员和行业之间的协同合作,为该领域的巨大进步做出了明确的贡献,特别是在治疗患有转移性疾病的黑色素瘤患者方面。为了纪念第一届 SMR 国际大会(2003 年在费城举行)20 周年,我们通过强调六大洲下一代后起之秀、医学和研究生的观点来展望未来。