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Challenging treatment of food wastes for cleaner production after the African swine fever outbreak in South Korea
Applied Biological Chemistry ( IF 3.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-14 , DOI: 10.1186/s13765-023-00825-y
Heesung Moon , Junhwa Kwon , Jeongwoo Choi , Dongjin Lee , Dong Cheol Seo

Food waste is a growing global concern, necessitating effective treatment solutions. South Korea stands out with over 90% of its food waste being recycled, driven by robust resource circulation policies. Across Asia, anaerobic digestion processes are favored for food waste treatment due to their economic and environmental advantages. The South Korean Government aims to expand anaerobic digestion to ensure stable organic waste treatment. However, the 2019 outbreak of African swine fever (ASF) in pig farms led to the cessation of wet feed production, comprising 22% of total feed. This has increased the pressure on alternative recycling methods. The handling of food waste leachate, generating around 1080 t/d during treatment, has become a concern due to the discontinuation of wet feed production. The objective of this study is to develop a food waste policy. It begins by assessing food waste and leachate generation through field surveys of 346 treatment facilities engaged in pretreatment, feeding, composting, and biogasification. To mitigate the impact of ASF outbreaks in the short term, a proposed solution involves diverting food waste leachate to existing sewage treatment plant digesters during non-injection weekends and other off-peak times. This measure aims to completely treat the maximum discharge of approximately 2000 t/d during the peak summer ASF outbreak periods. For the long term, a strategy involving anaerobic digestion is suggested in response to the gradual reduction in wet or dry feed production, along with composting, the conventional treatment method. This transition not only curbs greenhouse gas emissions but also enhances biogas production, a renewable energy source. These efforts align with the Korean Green New Deal’s goal of achieving a 20% share of renewable energy by 2030.



食物浪费日益受到全球关注,需要有效的处理解决方案。在强有力的资源循环政策的推动下,韩国脱颖而出,90%以上的食物垃圾得到了回收利用。在整个亚洲,厌氧消化工艺因其经济和环境优势而受到食物垃圾处理的青睐。韩国政府的目标是扩大厌氧消化,以确保稳定的有机废物处理。然而,2019年养猪场爆发的非洲猪瘟(ASF)导致占饲料总量22%的湿饲料停止生产。这增加了替代回收方法的压力。由于湿饲料生产的停止,食物垃圾渗滤液的处理在处理过程中产生约 1080 吨/天,已成为一个问题。本研究的目的是制定食物浪费政策。首先,通过对 346 个从事预处理、饲喂、堆肥和生物气化的处理设施进行实地调查,评估食物垃圾和渗滤液的产生情况。为了减轻短期内非洲猪瘟爆发的影响,拟议的解决方案包括在非注入周末和其他非高峰时段将食物垃圾渗滤液转移到现有的污水处理厂消化池。该措施旨在彻底处理夏季非洲猪瘟疫情高峰期约2000吨/天的最大排放量。从长远来看,建议采用厌氧消化策略,以应对湿饲料或干饲料产量的逐渐减少,以及堆肥(传统的处理方法)。这一转变不仅可以抑制温室气体排放,还可以提高沼气(一种可再生能源)的产量。这些努力与韩国绿色新政到 2030 年实现可再生能源占比 20% 的目标相一致。