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Toward establishing a qualifying autoclitic repertoire in children with autism spectrum disorder
Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis ( IF 2.809 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-12 , DOI: 10.1002/jaba.1026
Todd M Owen 1 , Nicole M Rodriguez 1

Autoclitics are secondary verbal operants that are controlled by a feature of the conditions that occasion or evoke a primary verbal operant such as a tact or mand. Qualifying autoclitics extend, negate, or assert a speaker's primary verbal response and modify the intensity or direction of the listener's behavior. Howard and Rice (1988) established autoclitics that indicated weak stimulus control (e.g., “like a [primary tact]”) with four neurotypical preschool children. However, generalization to newly acquired tacts was limited. In Experiment 1, we addressed similar behavior as in Howard and Rice but with autistic children while using simultaneous teaching procedures, and we observed generalization across sets and with newly acquired tacts. In Experiment 2, we evaluated the effects of multiple-exemplar training on generalization of autoclitics across sets of naturalistic stimuli. Across participants, gradual increases in the frequency of autoclitics occurred with untaught stimuli after teaching with one or more sets.



自动附加是次要言语操作,由引发或唤起主要言语操作(例如机智或命令)的条件特征控制。合格的自动附加延伸、否定或断言说话者的主要言语反应,并改变听者行为的强度或方向。Howard 和 Rice(1988)对四名神经典型的学龄前儿童建立了自动依附现象,表明刺激控制较弱(例如,“像[初级机智]”)。然而,对新获得的策略的推广是有限的。在实验 1 中,我们解决了与霍华德和赖斯类似的行为,但在使用同步教学程序时针对自闭症儿童,并且我们观察到跨组和新获得的策略的泛化。在实验 2 中,我们评估了多样本训练对跨自然刺激集的自动附加泛化的影响。在参与者中,在进行一组或多组教学后,在未教授的刺激下发生自动附着的频率逐渐增加。