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Roger M. Swagler In Memoriam
Journal of Consumer Affairs ( IF 2.603 ) Pub Date : 2023-09-30 , DOI: 10.1111/joca.12562
Brenda J. Cude 1


Roger M. Swagler died on August 8, 2023. Dr. Swagler was, until his retirement from the University of Georgia, a devoted member of the American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI). He attended annual conferences on a regular basis and thrived on discussions of the topics presented there. With his co-authors John Burton and Joan Koonce, he received ACCI's Russell A. Dixon award in 1996 for their article in Advancing the Consumer Interest, a now-defunct ACCI publication. They were recognized for their work on the Alternative Financial Services sector, and were among the first to explore research questions related to this sector.

Dr. Swagler's academic career began at Drake University. He also taught at the University of Tennessee at Knoxville before moving to the University of Georgia, from which he retired in 2005. He taught at the University of Liberia as part of the Fulbright U.S. Scholar Program. Later academic excursions were to Burkina Faso, India, and Lesotho.

After retirement, Dr. Swagler was an active volunteer in the Athens, Georgia community. He worked at The Ark, which provides a financial safety net for area residents who lose employment or have unexpected medical or auto expenses that put them in danger of losing housing and/or utilities. He also supported the efforts of the Athens Area Community Foundation and the WUGA (local public radio) Community Advisory Council. He served on the Vestry at St. Gregory the Great Episcopal Church where he and his wife were members.

Dr. Swagler was the author of Caveat Emptor! An introductory analysis of consumer problems, a popular textbook for consumer economics courses. In a 2002 review of the book, Thomas J. Leary wrote that the book was “packed with good sense, sound values and interesting information….and sprinkled with gentle wit.” Roger's UGA colleagues would, no doubt, agree that Dr. Leary could have been describing Roger himself.

Dr. Swagler is survived by his wife of 38 years, Julia Marlowe Swagler, who also was an active member of ACCI and served as the organization's president. Other survivors include his sister, five children, a nephew, and six grandchildren.




罗杰·M·斯瓦格勒 (Roger M. Swagler) 于 2023 年 8 月 8 日去世。斯瓦格勒博士在从佐治亚大学退休之前,一直是美国消费者利益委员会 (ACCI) 的忠实成员。他定期参加年度会​​议,并在会上讨论的主题中表现出色。1996 年,他与合著者约翰·伯顿 (John Burton) 和琼·库恩斯 (Joan Koonce) 在 ACCI出版物《促进消费者利益》(Advancing the Consumer Interest)(现已停刊)上发表了文章,荣获 ACCI 的 Russell A. Dixon 奖。他们因在另类金融服务领域的工作而受到认可,并且是最早探索与该领域相关的研究问题的人之一。

斯瓦格勒博士的学术生涯始于德雷克大学。他还曾在田纳西大学诺克斯维尔分校任教,后来转到佐治亚大学,并于 2005 年退休。作为富布赖特美国学者计划的一部分,他在利比里亚大学任教。后来的学术旅行去了布基纳法索、印度和莱索托。

退休后,斯瓦格勒博士是佐治亚州雅典社区的一名积极志愿者。他在 The Ark 工作,该公司为失业或因意外医疗或汽车费用而面临失去住房和/或公用事业危险的地区居民提供财务安全网。他还支持雅典地区社区基金会和 WUGA(当地公共广播电台)社区咨询委员会的努力。他在圣格雷戈里大圣公会教堂的教区服务,他和他的妻子都是该教堂的成员。

斯瓦格勒博士是《买者自负!》一书的作者。消费者问题的介绍性分析,消费者经济学课程的流行教科书。托马斯·J·利里 (Thomas J. Leary) 在 2002 年对该书的评论中写道,这本书“充满了良好的判断力、合理的价值观和有趣的信息……并且充满了温柔的智慧”。毫无疑问,罗杰的佐治亚大学同事会同意利里博士可能是在描述罗杰本人。

Swagler 博士身后留下了与他结婚 38 年的妻子 Julia Marlowe Swagler,她也是 ACCI 的活跃成员并担任该组织的主席。其他幸存者包括他的妹妹、五个孩子、一个侄子和六个孙子。
