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HyperNetX: A Python package for modeling complex network data as hypergraphs
arXiv - CS - Mathematical Software Pub Date : 2023-10-17 , DOI: arxiv-2310.11626
Brenda Praggastis, Sinan Aksoy, Dustin Arendt, Mark Bonicillo, Cliff Joslyn, Emilie Purvine, Madelyn Shapiro, Ji Young Yun

HyperNetX (HNX) is an open source Python library for the analysis and visualization of complex network data modeled as hypergraphs. Initially released in 2019, HNX facilitates exploratory data analysis of complex networks using algebraic topology, combinatorics, and generalized hypergraph and graph theoretical methods on structured data inputs. With its 2023 release, the library supports attaching metadata, numerical and categorical, to nodes (vertices) and hyperedges, as well as to node-hyperedge pairings (incidences). HNX has a customizable Matplotlib-based visualization module as well as HypernetX-Widget, its JavaScript addon for interactive exploration and visualization of hypergraphs within Jupyter Notebooks. Both packages are available on GitHub and PyPI. With a growing community of users and collaborators, HNX has become a preeminent tool for hypergraph analysis.


HyperNetX:用于将复杂网络数据建模为超图的 Python 包

HyperNetX (HNX) 是一个开源 Python 库,用于对建模为超图的复杂网络数据进行分析和可视化。HNX 最初于 2019 年发布,利用代数拓扑、组合学以及结构化数据输入的广义超图和图论方法,促进复杂网络的探索性数据分析。随着 2023 年版本的发布,该库支持将元数据(数字和分类)附加到节点(顶点)和超边,以及节点-超边配对(事件)。HNX 具有可定制的基于 Matplotlib 的可视化模块以及 HypernetX-Widget,它的 JavaScript 插件用于在 Jupyter Notebooks 中交互式探索和可视化超图。这两个包都可以在 GitHub 和 PyPI 上找到。随着用户和合作者社区的不断壮大,HNX 已成为超图分析的卓越工具。