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Mathematical Model of the Temperature Control at the Base of a Building with a Slab Foundation on a Compacted Seasonally Thawing Layer
Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering ( IF 0.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-18 , DOI: 10.1007/s11204-023-09906-y
N. P. Semenova , A. V. Malyshev , A. M. Timoveev , K. N. Bolshev , A. A. Stepanov

The results of the development and implementation of a mathematical model for assessing the thermal influence of a building with a slab foundation on a compacted seasonally thawing (active) layer of permafrost with a system of air thermosiphons are presented. The data obtained show that the proposed solution makes it possible to ensure the formation of stable frozen conditions and the preservation of permafrost soils.



