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Appearance-based rejection sensitivity mediates the relationship between Instagram addiction and dysmorphic concerns in young adult women
Scandinavian Journal of Psychology ( IF 2.312 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-22 , DOI: 10.1111/sjop.12973
Ioana Bianca Pitiruţ 1 , Viren Swami 2, 3 , Tania Poamă-Neagră 1 , Violeta Enea 1

Dysmorphic concerns refer to excessive preoccupations with one's physical characteristics. There is a need to better understand the factors associated with these experiences, especially in young adult women. Given emergent research suggesting a link between the use of Instagram, dysmorphic concerns, and appearance pressures, we tested a mediation model in which appearance-based rejection sensitivity mediated the relationship between Instagram addiction and dysmorphic concerns.


基于外表的拒绝敏感性调节年轻成年女性 Instagram 成瘾与畸形担忧之间的关系

畸形关注是指过度关注一个人的身体特征。有必要更好地了解与这些经历相关的因素,尤其是年轻成年女性。鉴于新兴研究表明 Instagram 的使用、畸形担忧和外观压力之间存在联系,我们测试了一种中介模型,在该模型中,基于外观的拒绝敏感性调节了 Instagram 成瘾和畸形担忧之间的关系。