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Sex as a Risk Factor for Atrial Fibrillation-Related Stroke
Thrombosis and Haemostasis ( IF 6.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-23 , DOI: 10.1055/s-0043-1776394
Bernadette Corica 1, 2 , Trudie Lobban 3 , Mellanie True Hills 4 , Marco Proietti 5, 6 , Giulio Francesco Romiti 1, 2

Stroke prevention is crucial for the management of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF), and several risk factors have been identified, which increase the risk of AF-related stroke. Among these factors, female sex has been repeatedly associated with AF-related stroke risk; nonetheless, trends toward lower use of oral anticoagulant in women with AF were also reported. In this clinical focus, we discuss about the role of female sex as a risk factor for AF-related stroke, and reflect on the clinical implications of its inclusion among the risk factors for thromboembolic risk stratification in patients with AF.



预防中风对于房颤 (AF) 患者的治疗至关重要,并且已经确定了一些危险因素,这些因素会增加 AF 相关中风的风险。在这些因素中,女性性别反复与 AF 相关的中风风险相关。尽管如此,也有报道称,患有房颤的女性口服抗凝剂的使用量呈减少趋势。在本临床重点中,我们讨论了女性作为 AF 相关卒中危险因素的作用,并反思了将其纳入 AF 患者血栓栓塞风险分层的危险因素中的临床意义。
