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Linking the Water and Carbon Economies of Plants in a Drying and Warming Climate
Current Forestry Reports ( IF 9.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-23 , DOI: 10.1007/s40725-023-00202-4
Mazen Nakad , Sanna Sevanto , Jean-Christophe Domec , Gabriel Katul

Purpose of Review

Harsher abiotic conditions are projected for many woodland areas, especially in already arid and semi-arid climates such as the Southwestern USA. Stomatal regulation of their aperture is one of the ways plants cope with drought. Interestingly, the dominant species in the Southwest USA, like in many other ecosystems, have different stomatal behaviors to regulate water loss ranging from isohydric (e.g., piñon pine) to anisohydric (e.g., juniper) conditions suggesting a possible niche separation or different but comparable strategies of coping with stress. The relatively isohydric piñon pine is usually presumed to be more sensitive to drought or less desiccation tolerant compared to the anisohydric juniper although both species close their stomata under drought to avoid hydraulic failure, and the mortality of one species (mostly piñon) over the other in the recent droughts can be attributed to insect outbreaks rather than drought sensitivity alone. Furthermore, no clear evidence exists demonstrating that iso- or anisohydric strategy increases water use efficiency over the other consistently. How these different stomatal regulatory tactics enable woody species to withstand harsh abiotic conditions remains a subject of inquiry to be covered in this review.

Recent Findings

This contribution reviews and explores the use of simplified stomatal optimization theories to assess how photosynthesis and transpiration respond to warming (H), drought (D), and combined warming and drought (H+D) for isohydric and anisohydric woody plants experiencing the same abiotic stressors. It sheds light on how simplified stomatal optimization theories can separate between photosynthetic and hydraulic acclimation due to abiotic stressors and how the interactive effects of H+D versus H or D alone can be incorporated into future climate models.


The work here demonstrates how field data can be bridged to simplified optimality principles so as to explore the effect of future changes in temperature and in soil water content on the acclimation of tree species with distinct water use strategies. The results show that the deviations between measurements and predictions from the simplified optimality principle can explain different species’ acclimation behaviors.






本文回顾并探索了使用简化的气孔优化理论来评估经历相同非生物的等水和非等水木本植物的光合作用和蒸腾如何响应变暖(H)、干旱(D)以及变暖和干旱联合(H+D)压力源。它揭示了简化的气孔优化理论如何区分非生物胁迫引起的光合适应和水力适应,以及如何将 H+D 与单独的 H 或 D 的相互作用效应纳入未来的气候模型。


