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Transition-metal and base-free ether synthesis via alcohol-participated yne-allylic substitution
Green Synthesis and Catalysis Pub Date : 2023-10-21 , DOI: 10.1016/j.gresc.2023.10.003
Chao Xu , Yingkun Luo , Shengtong Niu , Fan Gong , Shouang Lan , Benlong Luo , Jinggong Liu , Shuang Yang , Xinqiang Fang

Ethers are among the most important chemicals in organic synthesis, the pharmaceutical industry, agrochemical production, and material science. C-O bond formation via substitution is one of the most widely used strategies for ether formation. However, known methods usually employ transition-metal and bases to facilitate the process. In this work, we describe the base- and transition-metal-free ether formation via alcohol and phenol-participated substitution. The protocol allows access to a large number of ethers with enyne functional moieties, and features mild reaction conditions, high efficiency, and good regio- and stereoselectivities. The reaction could be readily scaled up, and the products could be used in a range of further transformations.



