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The torso’s secrets: Using the torso in art therapy for people with eating disorders
The Arts in Psychotherapy ( IF 1.847 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-24 , DOI: 10.1016/j.aip.2023.102095
Keren Blumenthal Yanir

Body-image disturbance, a dominant eating disorder (ED) symptom, causes people to experience their body as a battlefield. The torso—the human trunk from the neck to the groin but excluding the limbs—represents the absence of fundamental human qualities and capabilities. Thus, it can evoke contradictory emotions strongly related to the core psychodynamic contents of EDs. Due to their body-related disturbances and significant difficulty identifying and verbalizing emotions, people with EDs can benefit from working creatively with torsi in art therapy. This article presents the author’s observations of commonalities in the art torsi of people with ED and their potential clinical implications. Specifically, the author observed striking similarities in how people with EDs create art using Styrofoam torsi: (1) common working patterns, (2) marking the neck and belt areas, (3) representing sensitive body parts, and (4) neglecting the back of the torso. These shared characteristics can be traced to the ED’s emotional impact on the person and the underlying factors contributing to its development. Working creatively with torsi in art therapy as a stage to explore and process inner experiences, emotional vulnerabilities, defense mechanisms, body- and self-image-related issues, and other psychological themes embedded in EDs are discussed.



身体形象障碍是饮食失调 (ED) 的一种显性症状,它会导致人们将自己的身体视为战场。躯干——从颈部到腹股沟的人体躯干,但不包括四肢——代表了人类基本品质和能力的缺失因此,它可以唤起与 ED 的核心心理动力学内容密切相关的矛盾情绪。由于患有 ED 的人存在与身体相关的障碍以及识别和表达情绪的显着困难,因此他们可以从艺术治疗中创造性地治疗躯干中受益。本文介绍了作者对 ED 患者躯干共性的观察及其潜在的临床意义。具体来说,作者观察到患有 ED 的人如何使用聚苯乙烯泡沫塑料躯干进行艺术创作有惊人的相似之处:(1) 常见的工作模式,(2) 标记颈部和腰带区域,(3) 代表敏感的身体部位,以及 (4) 忽略背部躯干的。这些共同特征可以追溯到 ED 对人的情绪影响以及促进其发展的潜在因素。讨论了在艺术治疗中创造性地与躯干合作,作为探索和处理内在体验、情感脆弱性、防御机制、身体和自我形象相关问题以及ED中嵌入的其他心理主题的阶段。
