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Strategies of the Sámi movement in Sweden: mobilization around grievances related to the ecological conditions of reindeer pastoralism, 2012–2022
Ecology and Society ( IF 4.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-01 , DOI: 10.5751/es-14434-280408
David Harnesk

Reindeer pastoralism, practiced by groups of the Indigenous Sámi people in Sweden, is being threatened by a new wave of encroachments. In this paper I take stock of how the Sámi movement has mobilized around grievances related to the ecological conditions that support natural pasture-based reindeer pastoralism. I apply the contentious politics approach to social movement theory, and Felix Kolb’s conceptualization of five strategies that social movements have used when interacting with the state to achieve political change. Drawing upon 10 years of data from the Sámi public news service, my study makes three main contributions. First, I identify a set of themes found in the public grievances connected to ecological conditions articulated by reindeer pastoralist organizations in the public sphere that are a focus for mobilization. Second, I present an overview of the five strategies that the Sámi movement applies in claims-making to address those grievances: the public preference mechanism, the political access mechanism, the judicial mechanism, the international politics mechanism, and the disruption mechanism, and show how they relate to one another. Third, I discuss the limitations of current mobilization efforts, and argue that cross-movement coalitions are needed to challenge the hegemonic bloc.

The post Strategies of the Sámi movement in Sweden: mobilization around grievances related to the ecological conditions of reindeer pastoralism, 2012–2022 first appeared on Ecology & Society.



瑞典土著萨米人群体所实行的驯鹿放牧业正受到新一波入侵的威胁。在本文中,我盘点了萨米人运动如何围绕与支持以天然牧场为基础的驯鹿放牧业的生态条件相关的不满情绪进行动员。我将有争议的政治方法应用于社会运动理论,以及菲利克斯·科尔布(Felix Kolb)对社会运动在与国家互动以实现政治变革时使用的五种策略的概念化。我的研究利用萨米公共新闻服务 10 年的数据,做出了三项主要贡献。首先,我确定了公共领域驯鹿牧民组织所表达的与生态条件相关的公众不满中发现的一系列主题,这些主题是动员的重点。其次,我概述了萨米运动为解决这些不满而提出诉求时所采用的五种策略:公众偏好机制、政治准入机制、司法机制、国际政治机制和扰乱机制,并展示他们之间的关系如何。第三,我讨论了当前动员努力的局限性,并认为需要跨运动联盟来挑战霸权集团。

瑞典萨米人运动后战略:围绕与驯鹿畜牧业生态条件相关的不满进行动员,2012-2022 年首次发表在《生态与社会》杂志上。
