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Migration of a harem in search of a new leader following the loss of the former adult male leader from a one-male unit of geladas (Theropithecus gelada)
Primates ( IF 1.7 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-26 , DOI: 10.1007/s10329-023-01100-w
Zewdu Kifle 1

Geladas (Theropithecus gelada) live in social groups consisting of one-male units (sometimes referred to as “harems”), bands, and all-male units. Takeover by a new male affects the reproductive success and mating strategies of the individuals in a harem. However, to the best of my knowledge, there is no information available on the fate of the females in a one-male unit whose leader dies or disappears and is not replaced by another adult male. In 2017, I observed the migration of a male-less unit into the home range of my study group at Kosheme, in Wollo, Ethiopia. The unit consisted of 14 individuals. I observed the harem leader of my study group desert his unit and join the new unit, which appeared to peacefully accept him as their leader. These observations are in agreement with information from local residents, who told me that if the leader male of a unit dies, the male-less group (the “survivors”) will soon migrate in search of a new adult male leader. To the best of my knowledge, this is the first documented case of the migration of a gelada harem in search of an adult male leader after the loss of the unit’s former leader. This report contributes toward a better understanding of the reproductive behavior of geladas in particular, and of primates in general.


狒狒 (Theropithecus gelada) 的前成年雄性领袖去世后,后宫为了寻找新的领袖而进行迁徙

狒狒 ( Theropithecus gelada ) 生活在由单雄性单位(有时称为“后宫”)、群体和全雄性单位组成的社会群体中。新雄性的接管会影响后宫中个体的繁殖成功率和交配策略。然而,据我所知,没有关于单雄性单位中雌性命运的信息,该单位的领导者死亡或失踪,并且没有被另一位成年雄性取代。2017 年,我在埃塞俄比亚沃洛的科谢梅观察到一只无雄性个体迁徙到我的研究小组的活动范围内。该单位由 14 人组成。我观察到我的学习小组的后宫领导抛弃了他的单位并加入了新单位,新单位似乎和平地接受了他作为他们的领导。这些观察结果与当地居民的信息一致,他们告诉我,如果一个单位的男性领导者死亡,没有男性的群体(“幸存者”)很快就会迁移,寻找新的成年男性领导者。据我所知,这是第一个记录在案的狒狒后​​宫在失去前任领导后寻找成年男性领导者的迁移案例。这份报告有助于更好地了解狒狒尤其是灵长类动物的繁殖行为。
