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First Record of the Siberian Diaptomus Leptodiaptomus cf. angustilobus (Copepoda: Calanoida) in Europe
Inland Water Biology ( IF 0.9 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-27 , DOI: 10.1134/s1995082923050188
V. S. Zhikharev , E. B. Fefilova , M. A. Tereshina , O. P. Dubovskaya , D. E. Gavrilko , G. V. Shurganova


A Siberian diaptomus, identified as Leptodiaptomus cf. angustilobus (Sars G.O., 1898), has been found for the first time in Europe (Russia, Nizhny Novgorod oblast, mouth area of the Kerzhenets River (Middle Volga), 56°6′5″ N, 44°57′28″ E). A brief morphological description with illustrations of the species is presented. Differences in the morphometry of abdominal somites, length of antennules, and size of the fifth pair of thoracic legs are shown between females from Nizhny Novgorod oblast and Siberia. We have also obtained data on the abundance of L. cf. angustilobus in the plankton community of the mouth area of the Kerzhenets River and described habitat conditions for the Diaptomidae species new to this region.


西伯利亚 Diaptomus Leptodiaptomus 的首次记录 cf. 欧洲的 angustilobus(桡足类:Calanoida)


西伯利亚 diaptomus,被鉴定为Leptodiaptomus cf. angustilobus(Sars GO,1898)首次在欧洲发现(俄罗斯,下诺夫哥罗德州,克尔任涅茨河河口地区(伏尔加河中段),北纬 56°6′5″,东经 44°57′28″ )。提供了简短的形态描述以及该物种的插图。下诺夫哥罗德州和西伯利亚的雌性在腹部体节形态、触角长度和第五对胸足大小方面存在差异。我们还获得了有关L. cf丰度的数据。克尔热内茨河河口浮游生物群落中的狭叶珊瑚,描述了该地区新出现的带螨科物种的栖息地条件。
