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A cost calculation model for urban delivery of parcels by river
Research in Transportation Business & Management ( IF 4.286 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-27 , DOI: 10.1016/j.rtbm.2023.101059
Hiba Yahyaoui , Anicia Jaegler , Laingo Randrianarisoa

Public and private actors in cities have embarked on a race to achieve net-zero carbon emissions. However, parcel delivery in urban areas is booming, especially due to e-commerce. This context necessitates the study of sustainable transportation use. Among the various city-center parcel delivery modes, delivery by river is largely understudied. This study proposes a cost calculation model for delivery by inland waterways. This model considers fixed and variable costs for pre-carriage, transshipment, and last-mile delivery using a two-echelon last-mile delivery network framework. The model is tested using a real-life French case study and worldwide academic investigation. The results show that load optimization is key for profitability and that the most important costs are personnel and investment costs.



