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Wind and Water: How Extreme Weather Conditions Impact Residential Real Estate in Developing Countries
International Journal of Disaster Risk Science ( IF 4 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s13753-023-00518-6
Nekeisha Spencer

The damaging effects of extreme weather is concerning for many countries across the globe. Though the impact of these events on the housing market has been studied extensively, one aspect that remains unexplored is the value of mortgages. Further, there is no clarity on the impact of the specific types of homes. This study analyzed mortgages and apartment values and included residential land sale prices over 16 years for different localities across Jamaica. The analysis revealed that mortgages are adversely affected by excess rainfall while apartment sale prices are reduced by hurricanes but increased by excess rain. However, residential land prices remain unaffected by both events. The results point to the importance of climate adaptation for the local real estate market and property investment.
