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Computational fluid dynamic modeling of the lymphatic system: a review of existing models and future directions
Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology ( IF 3.5 ) Pub Date : 2023-10-30 , DOI: 10.1007/s10237-023-01780-9
Tharanga D Jayathungage Don 1 , Soroush Safaei 1 , Gonzalo D Maso Talou 1 , Peter S Russell 2, 3 , Anthony R J Phillips 2, 3 , Hayley M Reynolds 1

Historically, research into the lymphatic system has been overlooked due to both a lack of knowledge and limited recognition of its importance. In the last decade however, lymphatic research has gained substantial momentum and has included the development of a variety of computational models to aid understanding of this complex system. This article reviews existing computational fluid dynamic models of the lymphatics covering each structural component including the initial lymphatics, pre-collecting and collecting vessels, and lymph nodes. This is followed by a summary of limitations and gaps in existing computational models and reasons that development in this field has been hindered to date. Over the next decade, efforts to further characterize lymphatic anatomy and physiology are anticipated to provide key data to further inform and validate lymphatic fluid dynamic models. Development of more comprehensive multiscale- and multi-physics computational models has the potential to significantly enhance the understanding of lymphatic function in both health and disease.



