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Genome-wide identification and expression analysis reveal the role of histone methyltransferase and demethylase genes in heat stress response in potato (Solanum tuberosum L.)
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - General Subjects ( IF 3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-02 , DOI: 10.1016/j.bbagen.2023.130507
Surbhi Mali 1 , Gaurav Zinta 1


Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.), the third most important non-cereal crop, is sensitive to high temperature. Histone modifications have been known to regulate various abiotic stress responses. However, the role of histone methyltransferases and demethylases remain unexplored in potato under heat stress.


Potato genome database was used for genome-wide analysis of StPRMT and StHDMA gene families, which were further characterized by analyzing gene structure, conserved motif, domain organization, sub-cellular localization, promoter region and phylogenetic relationships. Additionally, expression profiling under high-temperature stress in leaf and stolon tissue of heat contrasting potato genotypes was done to study their role in response to high temperature stress.


The genome-wide analysis led to identification of nine StPRMT and eleven StHDMA genes. Structural analysis, including conserved motifs, exon/intron structure and phylogenetic relationships classified StPRMT and StHDMA gene families into two classes viz. Class I and Class II. A variety of cis-regulatory elements were explored in the promoter region associated with light, developmental, hormonal and stress responses. Prediction of sub-cellular localization of StPRMT proteins revealed their occurrence in nucleus and cytoplasm, whereas StHDMA proteins were observed in different sub-cellular compartments. Furthermore, expression profiling of StPRMT and StHDMA gene family members revealed genes responding to heat stress. Heat-inducible expression of StPRMT1, StPRMT3, StPRMT4 and StPRMT5 in leaf and stolon tissues of HS and HT cultivar indicated them as probable candidates for enhancing thermotolerance in potato. However, StHDMAs responded dynamically in leaf and stolon tissue of heat contrasting genotypes under high temperature.


The current study presents a detailed analysis of histone modifiers in potato and indicates their role as an important epigenetic regulators modulating heat tolerance.

General significance

Understanding epigenetic mechanisms underlying heat tolerance in potato will contribute towards breeding of thermotolerant potato varieties.


全基因组鉴定和表达分析揭示了组蛋白甲基转移酶和去甲基化酶基因在马铃薯热应激反应中的作用(Solanum tuberosum L.)


马铃薯(Solanum tuberosum L.)是第三重要的非谷类作物,对高温敏感。已知组蛋白修饰可调节各种非生物应激反应。然而,组蛋白甲基转移酶和去甲基酶在热应激下马铃薯中的作用仍未被探索。




全基因组分析鉴定出 9 个StPRMT和 11 个StHDMA基因。结构分析,包括保守基序、外显子/内含子结构和系统发育关系,将StPRMTStHDMA基因家族分为两类,即。I 类和 II 类。在与光、发育、激素和应激反应相关的启动子区域中探索了多种顺式调节元件。StPRMT 蛋白的亚细胞定位预测揭示了它们出现在细胞核和细胞质中,而 StHDMA 蛋白则在不同的亚细胞区室中观察到。此外,StPRMTStHDMA基因家族成员的表达谱揭示了响应热应激的基因。StPRMT1StPRMT3StPRMT4StPRMT5在HS和HT品种的叶和匍匐茎组织中的热诱导表达表明它们可能是增强马铃薯耐热性的候选者。然而,在高温下,StHDMAs在热对比基因型的叶和匍匐茎组织中动态响应。




