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Complexities in liver biopsy: the role of navigation and fusion imaging
Egyptian Liver Journal Pub Date : 2023-11-03 , DOI: 10.1186/s43066-023-00293-5
Serah Jessy Mathew , Anchal Nayak , Sagnika Dash , Sarada Prasad Dakua

Liver biopsy is crucial to know if the tumor is benign or malignant. This paper has reviewed the literature clinically shedding lights on the present biopsy procedure, requirements, and potential challenges. This study has emphasized the role of navigation during liver biopsy. It has discussed the various imaging modalities used for biopsy. The potential limitations of imaging modalities have been discussed in detail. It is found that liver biopsy could be effective when fusion imaging is used instead of a single imaging modality.


