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Multilingual development: English in a global context by Peter Siemund. ed. Cambridge/New York: Cambridge University Press. 2023. 289 pages. ISBN: 9781108844024 (hardback), 9781108926089 (paperback), 9781108915540 (epub)
International Journal of Applied Linguistics ( IF 1.492 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-03 , DOI: 10.1111/ijal.12519
Ruiyong Liu 1 , Shifa Chen 1 , Yule Peng 1

With the deepening of globalization, multilingualism has emerged as a common phenomenon, and English has gradually developed into a hub language. In this context, Peter Siemund's edited book, Multilingual Development: English in a Global Context delves profoundly into multilingual upbringing and development from an innovative perspective of English as a global lingua franca. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the book combines insights from linguistics, sociology, psychology, and education to investigate how individuals grow up in today's interconnected world and discusses various aspects that influence their language development with a focus on the pivotal role of English. Key issues such as language policy, identity, and the pedagogy of English as a second language are examined in various geographical and social settings. Logical, coherent, and accessible, the book provides valuable perspectives on multilingualism and offers nuanced insights for scholars, policymakers, and educators, which can serve as an essential reference for anyone interested in multilingual development.


多语言发展:全球背景下的英语作者:Peter Siemund。编辑。剑桥/纽约:剑桥大学出版社。2023 年。289 页。ISBN:9781108844024(精装本)、9781108926089(平装本)、9781108915540(epub)
