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Experimental study on the dynamical response of elastic trimaran model under slamming load
Journal of Marine Science and Technology ( IF 2.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-04 , DOI: 10.1007/s00773-023-00969-y
Jin Pan , Wen Zhe Zhang , Zhi Mian Sun , Xue Qu , Ming Cai Xu

Since the slamming load could cause severe damage of wet deck of ship hull girder, the interaction between the structural response and hydrodynamic loading should be considered. A large scaled model of trimaran was designed, which could consider the structural elastic for studying the structural response of trimaran hull girder. The testing model was vertically dropped into still water in the tank to simulate typical hydroelastic slamming load, in which various impact velocities were considered. Each load condition was conducted several times to verify the repeatability and reproducibility of the experimental data. The slamming pressure and strain distributions are presented and discussed. The ranges of maximum slamming pressure and the danger area are identified for design of this type of trimaran.



