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The Local and Global Scope of The Year of the Ox
Journal Of Chinese Overseas Pub Date : 2023-11-07 , DOI: 10.1163/17932548-12341492
Laura Lamas-Abraira 1 , Alba Colombo Vilarrasa 2

The arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic brought significant life changes and acted as a point of rupture for many people around the world. Using mixed methods research, this article explores how the pandemic scenario affected the organization and conceptualization of the Chinese New Year Festival in Barcelona, as well as how people participated in the festivities. Having been canceled in 2020, when everything was ready to go in 2021, its transition to a virtual event entailed changes in its format, content, and scope, leading to new synergies and ways of understanding the festival. First, the virtual format enabled the participation of new actors within and beyond the Chinese diaspora, resulting in a shift of visibility. Second, new (non-folkloric) spaces for participation served to diversify the esthetics, aims and scope of the festival, with the global economic crisis and its local impacts as key factors. Finally, while the virtual format limited the festival’s local impact, it stimulated new transnational dynamics and facilitated an increase in the number of global attendees.



Covid-19 大流行的到来给世界各地许多人的生活带来了重大变化,并成为了一个破裂点。本文采用混合方法研究,探讨了大流行情况如何影响巴塞罗那农历新年的组织和概念化,以及人们如何参与庆祝活动。2020 年被取消,2021 年一切准备就绪时,它向虚拟活动的转变意味着其形式、内容和范围发生变化,从而产生新的协同效应和理解节日的方式。首先,虚拟形式使海外华人内外的新参与者能够参与,从而导致可见性的转变。其次,新的(非民俗)参与空间使节日的审美、目标和范围多样化,全球经济危机及其当地影响是关键因素。最后,虽然虚拟形式限制了节日的当地影响,但它激发了新的跨国动力并促进了全球参与者数量的增加。