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Visualization in the Wild
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications ( IF 1.8 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-06 , DOI: 10.1109/mcg.2023.3317646
Christina Gillmann 1 , Johanna Schmidt 2 , Daniel Wiegreffe 1

Visualization approaches have been successfully applied to a variety of application fields. Continuously published novel visualization approaches reflect the need for and success of visualization approaches. However, when looking at visualization techniques that designers apply in real-world applications targeted at a larger user group (e.g., medical experts, engineers, journalists, and public authorities), novel, published approaches hardly end up being used in real-world scenarios. The lack of readily available visualization software solutions and guidelines on applying these is unfortunate, especially since data science and data analytics are emerging fields, with many users needing data visualization. As shown in the different use-case scenarios outlined in this issue, implementing novel solutions within existing domain workflows is still a significant challenge for visualization researchers and domain experts. Challenges and guidelines for integrating interactive visualization applications in existing workflows are outlined in different real-world applications presented in this issue. The papers in this issue cover various domains and data types and comprise success stories of visualization approaches in different application domains.


