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Robust dual-channel correlation algorithm for complex weak target detection with wideband radar
Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics ( IF 2.1 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-03 , DOI: 10.23919/jsee.2023.000138
Dai Yan 1 , Liu Dan 1 , Li Chuanming 1 , Wei Shaopeng 2 , Hu Qingrong 3

In the scene of wideband radar, due to the spread of target scattering points, the attitude and angle of view of the target constantly change in the process of moving. It is difficult to predict, and the actual echo of multiple scattered points is not fully matched with the transmitted signal. Therefore, it is challenging for the traditional matching filter method to achieve a complete matching effect in wideband echo detection. In addition, the energy dispersion of complex target echoes is still a problem in radar target detection under broadband conditions. Therefore, this paper proposes a wideband target detection method based on dual-channel correlation processing of rangeextended targets. This method fully uses the spatial distribution characteristics of target scattering points of echo signal and the matching characteristics of the dual-channel point extension function itself. The radial accumulation of wideband target echo signal in the complex domain is realized through the adaptive correlation processing of a dual-channel echo signal. The accu-mulation effect of high matching degree is achieved to improve the detection probability and the performance of wideband detection. Finally, electromagnetic simulation experiments and measured data verify that the proposed method has the advan-tages of high signal to noise ratio (SNR) gain and high detection probability under low SNR conditions.


