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Analysis of floating distance of arc 3D display with respect to inclination angle of substrate
Optical Review ( IF 1.2 ) Pub Date : 2023-12-01 , DOI: 10.1007/s10043-023-00841-9
Hiroto Oishi , Kengo Fujii , Masaki Yasugi , Shiro Suyama , Hirotsugu Yamamoto


We derive an equation that enables to get the floating distance of floating images of an arc 3D display by the radius of the arc, the angle of the arc 3D substrate, the light source illumination angle, and the observer’s angle. Conventional theoretical expression for the positions of the light source and observer relative to the center of the arc have been used to calculate the floating distance. However, when the arc3D substrate is inclined, it becomes more difficult to determine the floating distance from the actual positions of the light source and observer. In this paper, we derive an equation to approximate the floating distance from the positions of the light source and the observer while considering the tilt of the arc3D substrate and check the accuracy of the derived equation through experiments.




