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Discounting constituent attitudes: motivated reasoning, ambiguity, and policymaker perceptions of constituent characteristics
Human Communication Research ( IF 5.333 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-08 , DOI: 10.1093/hcr/hqad047
Daniel E Bergan 1 , Hillary C Shulman 2 , Dustin Carnahan 3

In experimental work, researchers have found that policymakers discount the opinions of constituents with whom they disagree. We build on these results with a national sample of local policymakers in the United States, exploring whether communicators can prevent policymakers from discounting their opinions by providing evidence of their own knowledge about a topic. We find that policymakers discount the opinions of hypothetical constituents with whom they disagree, but there is evidence that providing unambiguous evidence about a letter-writer’s positive traits can reduce this discounting. We conclude with a discussion of implications for theory as well as practical implications for communicating with policymakers.


