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Research Supervision as a Spiritual Ministry: A Confluence of Object Relations, Psychodynamics and Grace
International Journal of Practical Theology Pub Date : 2023-11-10 , DOI: 10.1515/ijpt-2022-0046
Jeffrey Raymond Pugh 1

The changes in the pedagogy of research supervision in the university context are now reflected within the practices of theological seminaries and accredited colleges. A neglected analytical framework that could illuminate the supervisory relationship is provided by Winnicott’s Object Relations Theory and Bion and Diamond’s Organizational Psychodynamics, as they interconnect identity, stress and creativity – factors that are germane to the researcher experience. Object Relations also parallels faith development. Given the significant personal investment demanded by research, a crisis of identity for the religious student is simultaneously a crisis of faith. Conversely, a Christian faith experience could sustain the research journey through the appropriation of divine Grace. Some suggestions are provided as to how this could be manifested within the research culture.


