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Investigating science teacher educator identity through the politics of domestication and critical positional praxis
Journal of Research in Science Teaching ( IF 3.918 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-10 , DOI: 10.1002/tea.21915
Alberto J. Rodriguez 1 , Sara Tolbert 2 , Sheron L. Mark 3

The focus on identity in the field of teaching and learning continues to grow, especially when it concerns equitable outcomes for students. While most attention is placed on students' identities and increasingly those of teachers, lesser addressed are the identities of the teacher educators and researchers broaching the issue of identity. Additionally, identity research is not often linked to relationships between self, others, and transformative action. We recognize these as gaps to be addressed and offer critical positional praxis (CPP) as a response. CPP is the public manifestation of the insights gained through our sense of identity and reflexivity. More specifically, CPP is the actions (or inactions) that express who we are in response to an event in any given social context—especially oppressive ones. In this article, we draw from our own critical autoethnographies, as a context for putting CPP into practice in identity research. Our collective analysis of these critical autoethnographies revealed how our identity development was inseparable from the ways in which we have each resisted the politics of domestication. Our autoethnographies further point to the role of dissent as central to our experiences of becoming critical science teacher educators committed to equity, diversity, and anti-racism in education. We draw from this analysis to offer recommendations for how identity and positionality can move beyond theoretical constructs toward transformative personal and collective change in science education.



教学领域对身份的关注持续增长,特别是当它关系到学生的公平结果时。虽然大多数注意力都集中在学生的身份上,并且越来越多地关注教师的身份,但较少关注的是提出身份问题的教师教育者和研究人员的身份。此外,身份研究通常与自我、他人和变革行动之间的关系无关。我们认识到这些是需要解决的差距,并提供关键立场实践(CPP)作为回应。CPP 是通过我们的认同感和反身性获得的见解的公开表现。更具体地说,CPP 是在任何给定的社会背景下(尤其是压迫性的社会背景下)表达我们对事件的反应的行动(或不行动) 。在本文中,我们借鉴了我们自己的批判性自我民族志,作为将 CPP 应用于身份研究实践的背景。我们对这些批判性的自我民族志的集体分析揭示了我们的身份发展与我们每个人抵制驯化政治的方式密不可分。我们的自传民族志进一步指出,异议对于我们成为致力于教育公平、多样性和反种族主义的批判性科学教师教育者的经历至关重要。我们根据这一分析,为身份和立场如何超越理论建构,向科学教育中的个人和集体变革提供建议。