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Reflections on Identity Exploration in the Time of the COVID-19 Pandemic from Queer Students of Color
Journal of College Student Development ( IF 2.051 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-11
Antonio Duran


The context of the COVID-19 global pandemic has shaped all aspects of modern life, creating a unique circumstance for minoritized groups as they have explored important questions related to the self. Specifically, scholars, practitioners, and policymakers have expressed interest in understanding how the COVID-19 pandemic affected minoritized groups, including queer people and queer people of color, specifically. This study used data from a longitudinal constructivist grounded theory project following queer students of color within and beyond their time in college to examine how the COVID-19 pandemic influenced the process of identity exploration for these individuals. Findings revealed that queer students of color engaged in self-reflection about identities because of the isolation, reexamined navigating relationships at home and within educational institutions, and sought connections and guidance through online spaces. Informed by the study findings, the manuscript provides implications for future research and practice in higher education and student affairs.


有色人种酷儿学生对 COVID-19 大流行时期身份探索的思考


COVID-19 全球大流行的背景塑造了现代生活的各个方面,为少数群体探索与自我相关的重要问题创造了独特的环境。具体来说,学者、从业者和政策制定者表示有兴趣了解 COVID-19 大流行如何影响少数群体,特别是酷儿和有色人种酷儿。这项研究使用了纵向建构主义扎根理论项目的数据,该项目跟踪了有色人种酷儿学生在大学期间和大学之后的情况,以研究 COVID-19 大流行如何影响这些人的身份探索过程。调查结果显示,有色人种酷儿学生由于孤立而进行了对身份的自我反思,重新审视了家庭和教育机构内的关系,并通过在线空间寻求联系和指导。根据研究结果,该手稿为高等教育和学生事务的未来研究和实践提供了启示。
