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Toward a Deeper Understanding of the Precollege Racial Socialization of White Undergraduate Students
Journal of College Student Development ( IF 2.051 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-11
Zak Foste


The purpose of this study was to better understand how white students are socialized to think about race in their precollege environments. While a great deal of scholarship has examined the racial attitudes, beliefs, and ideologies of white students in college, much less is known about how race is learned and rendered significant in precollege contexts. This study explored how 40 white undergraduates were socialized to think about race in two critical precollege environments: their neighborhoods and schools. The results of this study emphasize that while participants came from racially homogenous communities, they were not empty vessels merely waiting to be filled up with new information about race in college. Rather, they experienced a number of contexts that imparted particular messages about the nature of race, racism, and whiteness prior to ever stepping foot on campus.




这项研究的目的是为了更好地了解白人学生在大学前的环境中如何社会化地思考种族问题。虽然大量的学术研究已经研究了大学白人学生的种族态度、信仰和意识形态,但对于如何在大学前的环境中学习种族并使其变得重要,人们知之甚少。这项研究探讨了 40 名白人本科生如何在两个关键的大学前环境(社区和学校)中进行社会化思考种族问题。这项研究的结果强调,虽然参与者来自种族同质的社区,但他们并不是仅仅等待在大学里被有关种族的新信息填满的空船。相反,他们在踏入校园之前经历了许多环境,这些环境传递了有关种族、种族主义和白人本质的特定信息。
