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Nonparametric estimation of a survival function in the presence of measurement errors on the failure time of interest
The Canadian Journal of Statistics ( IF 0.6 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-10 , DOI: 10.1002/cjs.11799
Shaojia Jin 1, 2 , Yanyan Liu 1 , Guangcai Mao 3 , Jianguo Sun 4 , Yuanshan Wu 5

This article discusses nonparametric estimation of a survival function in the presence of measurement errors on the observation of the failure time of interest. One situation where such issues arise would be clinical studies of chronic diseases where the observation on the time to the failure event of interest such as the onset of the disease relies on patient recall or chart review of electronic medical records. It is easy to see that both situations can be subject to measurement errors. To resolve this problem, we propose a simulation extrapolation approach to correct the bias induced by the measurement error. To overcome potential computational difficulties, we use spline regression to approximate the unspecified extrapolated coefficient function of time, and establish the asymptotic properties of our proposed estimator. The proposed method is applied to nonparametric estimation based on interval-censored data. Extensive numerical experiments involving both simulated and actual study datasets demonstrate the feasibility of this proposed estimation procedure.


