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Managing menstruation during natural disasters: menstruation hygiene management during “super floods” in Sindh province of Pakistan
Journal of Biosocial Science ( IF 2.148 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-13 , DOI: 10.1017/s0021932023000159
Salma Sadique 1 , Inayat Ali 2, 3, 4 , Shahbaz Ali 5

Menstruation is part of women’s normal life, which requires basic hygienic practices. Managing hygiene can be affected by several factors and situations such as natural disasters. Focusing on ‘super flooding’ in Pakistan’s Sindh Province, we pay attention to how this ‘natural disaster’ has affected hygienic practices of menstrual cycle of women. The study meticulously examines the dynamics of menstrual hygiene management, encompassing the nuanced encounters with feelings of shame and embarrassment among girls and women situated in flood camps, schools, and community shelters. It also intends to highlight women’s challenge and embarrassment to participate in the distribution process of essential resources such as pads. The insights garnered from this study hold potential relevance for various stakeholders, including policymakers, healthcare practitioners, and researchers, offering a nuanced comprehension of the intersection of menstrual hygiene, climate change, and well-being of women.



