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An object-oriented approach to the analysis of spatial complex data over stream-network domains
Spatial Statistics ( IF 2.3 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-13 , DOI: 10.1016/j.spasta.2023.100784
Chiara Barbi , Alessandra Menafoglio , Piercesare Secchi

We address the problem of spatial prediction for Hilbert data, when their spatial domain of observation is a river network. The reticular nature of the domain requires to use geostatistical methods based on the concept of Stream Distance, which captures the spatial connectivity of the points in the river induced by the network branching. Within the framework of Object Oriented Spatial Statistics (O2S2), where the data are considered as points of an appropriate (functional) embedding space, we develop a class of functional moving average models based on the Stream Distance. Both the geometry of the data and that of the spatial domain are thus taken into account. A consistent definition of covariance structure is developed, and associated estimators are studied. Through the analysis of the summer water temperature profiles in the Middle Fork River (Idaho, USA), our methodology proved to be effective, both in terms of covariance structure characterization and forecasting performance.



