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Transforming teachers’ self-narratives about game-based learning
Educational Technology Research and Development ( IF 5.580 ) Pub Date : 2023-11-13 , DOI: 10.1007/s11423-023-10319-9
Beaumie Kim , Reyhaneh Bastani , Diali Gupta

Scholars in teacher education have observed that the dichotomy between teachers’ professional and personal identities could restrain their pursuits of adopting innovative approaches in the classroom. At the same time, adopting new pedagogical approaches often contests teachers’ professional identities and confidence. In this paper, we examine a graduate course on game-based learning, designed for professionals such as teachers and practitioners. While video games and game-based learning have gained attention from researchers and practitioners, they may pose challenges for many teachers. We observed that this course could provide opportunities for participants to construct their narratives in relation to gaming and learning over time. They may also reinterpret and extend their cultural worlds as part of their teacher identity. We conclude that enabling teachers to confront tensions and risks of adopting unfamiliar practices could help them transform their self-narratives. This study could inform design considerations to support teachers’ adopting innovative pedagogies in future research and practices on professional learning. It is also important to acknowledge that the study had limited participant diversity and representativeness. There is the need for further exploration of teachers with different backgrounds and experiences in order to better understand the challenges and opportunities of adopting innovative pedagogies.



